Our first Intro Video

By Shubham Rawat → Friday, October 2, 2015


We are really happy to introduce you to our first intro video you will soon see this video in the starting of upcoming youtube videos and i am very happy with it because for making this video i have to choose from thousands of videos because internet is very vast we can't get what we want for sometimes but for now i have got what i want.

What I changed in this video 

The answer is very clear i have changed the cloror scheme and Name of the template and yes! i am not a thief ;).I also want to thank the maker Offical Makers for making such a great intro template by After Effect (I used after effect for editing this Video) because for newbies it is very difficult to create such a awesome template by their-self  So Great Work Official Makers :)


In last which are responsible for making this template So Let's start

#Me Shubham Rawat xD

#Official Makers

#My PC (Dell)

#My Internet Connection

#My Friends (####Name Confidencial####)

Shubham Rawat

I'm Shubham Rawat a die heart tech lover.He love to do reviews and unboxings of new items check him ou in other social networks.

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