Most of Android are still running on Old Android versions

By Shubham Rawat → Friday, December 11, 2015

Google revealed earlier this week that 71.6% of Android users were still using the pre-Lollipop version of the OS. The divisions are as follows: 36.6% of devices are still running Android 4.4 KitKat while a 26.9% of users are still running various versions of Jelly Bean. While the latter was released in 2012 and hasn’t seen an update since October 2013, the former first arrived two years ago.Google Android OS

As for iOS users, a massive 70% of them are running iOS 9 which came out only in September this year. Additionally, iOS 8 is being used to run about 92% Apple devices; an OS released not more than 16 months ago.

Though Android 6.0 Marshmallow has enough things to like about it, many users will have to wait another couple of months before they can run it on their devices. The contrast between iOS and Android updates offers an interesting picture. Perhaps the inertia and stagnation that sets in once the users become accustomed to running a particular OS make them shy away from updates. Other than the availability of the OS what else do you think could keep users away from upgrading their Android devices?

Now in my real time, I am also using Android Kitkat 4.4.4 in my Redmi 2 Prime because it is the most stable version of Android.I also use 6.0.1 in my Micromax Android One (Sprout).I found it quite disappointing because it lots of bugs like sometimes it blurs the whole display while you are launching app drawer (it sucks sometimes) and we all use our smartphone while its full battery is drained and think if your battery can't last longer!.The big reason to worry and that is what is found in Android M (6.0.1).That's why I am using a custom ROM in my sprout with a custom kernel that is helping a lot for making my battery last longer and if you have to 
Shubham Rawat

I'm Shubham Rawat a die heart tech lover.He love to do reviews and unboxings of new items check him ou in other social networks.

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