So again I am back with another post of the series "Becoming a Geek" and I hope you have found my previous post helpful, and then you should share that post and comment on that Post
Can I be a Geek? Not a Difficult Question.
So talking about the geek and geekiness most of the people say that it is a useless thing and they just change the topic but no friends being a geek is exquisite and awesome because it can help you in various ways and now I am here to Tell you the Advantages of being a Geek so before wasting you're very much time let's start.
Job Advantage
How you ever wondered how being a Geek can help you in getting the job (Sounds crazy but it is a Fact xD ).Today for every job little bit of computer knowledge is must and think if you know more about computers (Think about it and please comment ).And if you know how to solve some common errors like hanging of computers or if it is not starting then you solve it with ease which can impress your boss and co-workers and by this you can also get promotion easily someday xD.
Problem Solving
And a universal axiom made by our dear parents that playing games can harm their mind.I don't even understood how they can say this. A research study performed by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) concluded that video games can help both children and even adults process information much faster and improve their ability to reason and solve problems. Most games involve puzzles to overcome, planning that needs to be performed, and multi-tasking. It was also found that many people who play video games have better hand-eye coordination.So by now if your parent says that playing games can harm you ten take chill ask them to read my post, and you are on the go.But friends I don't recommend you to play games all the night or all the day it can harm your body, so please take care of yourself and guys before researching I also thought that playing games are a useless thing :).
Make Extra Money
Now this was going to be fascinating for many of you because most of the geeks earn money by this formula even me also.There are various online jobs by which you can make money for example you can post on any topic like smartwatches you can be paid for it.There are lots of online sites that want guest writers so they can write a post on their blog, website etcetera.You can apply in hiring sites where you can get works like completing a website, writing a post, graphics designing and much more.You can get lots of work according to your qualifications.And for this you just need to sign up, fill forms and then you are on.
Save Money
Along with making money you can also save money by being a "tech geek." If you are good with fixing technology, then say goodbye to ever paying for tech support! Also, you can find a ton of free stuff online for download instead of buying which helps to save you money. ePubBud is a website that has free epub books and documents that you can download and read on your tablet. There are also sites that provide Emulators and Roms for old game systems such as Gameboy, Nintendo 64, and Sega Genesis where you can re-live your childhood on your computer! There is also a way to "jailbreak" your iPhone to get free apps. It used to be illegal but was overturned and not anymore. Just be aware that by jailbreaking your iPhone it voids your Apple warranty.And don't forget about our dear android.We can install what we want in Android without voiding warranty (Proud to be an Android User )Always Stay Up To Date With New Technology
So if you are geek or techie when you have read last tech news?.I think before an hour or when you have lastly opened your internet means this ;). Most "tech geeks" enjoy reading about new and innovative technologies. This helps to keep us on the front lines of new devices that will soon be available. As before the release of Xiaomi's Redmi 2 Prime .I have found that there will be a successor of Redmi 2 with more ram and battery, and then I have got redmi 2 prime in my hand, and my friends were saying Xiaomi can't do this and he did it as I have said to my buddies (There was looking so funny when they saw Redmi 2 Prime in my hand)
Never Get Bored
Being into technology, I find that I'm never bored. There is always something to do, learn, or explore online or a game to play. Of course I go outside, and, of course, I do girly things with my friends, but when all else fails, I know the computer is there for my entertainment. You'll never meet a "tech geek" who runs out of things to do. They've got tons of hobbies and interests and are more than happy to dive head first into one of those when they've got some free time. In other words, they don't need to rely on other people to give them life and keep them happy which is a great quality to have.
In last
"Technology is becoming such a huge part of our society, and it should be an important subject to everyone. Whether your interest is in games, design, programming, etc., you should embrace the fact that you are riding the technology wave that is taking over the job market. Do you think of yourself as being a "tech geek"? If so, has this been viewed as a negative or positive by others? "
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