Amazing ways in which you can use your old smartphone

By Shubham Rawat → Monday, October 12, 2015

Today smartphone has become part of our life we cannot live without smartphone because it has become a basic need for all person. So for now the question arises did we use single smartphone whole life and for that we have very simple answer Na. J because every day a new smartphone is launching and in every ten minute a new smartphone is bought by someone in whole world (Sounds crazy!) but yes it is true fact and for now a new question arises what all persons means you do with your old smartphone. So here everyone would have their own answers like
  • some throw their old smartphone
  • some would give that smartphone other persons or relatives
  • some would pack that phone and would give that phone to someone on their Birthday

Honestly I love the 3rd option of giving old smartphone to another person ;) but here I goanna give you some of the best tips in which you can use your old smartphone efficiently so let’s start

Use as an MP3 Player

Our first and most loving idea use your smartphone as your mp3 player and for that you don’t require any other device just buy a good headphone I my opinion you can you use AUDIO TECHNICA headphone or MI PISTON HEADPHONE, JBL headphones are also very good but haven’t used any JBL speakers till now but it is on you choose what you want it is on you.

Make a Hotspot

It is very simple get a smartphone go to settings select threating WIFI Hotspot and boom you are now having an Wi-Fi hotspot without giving a single penny. It is very helpful for the persons which are having lots of gadgets which are data hungry like I am using my Android One as a Wi-Fi hotspot when my modem is not working ;).For this you have to remember what  type of carrier it is supporting like 2G,3G 4G LTE you can also hook up your Dongle with your phone and then surf net on others devices through Wi-Fi .

Use as a GPS Tracker

We all know that every smartphone is having GPs service so why not use as a GPS tracker check it out because a common GPS Tracker can cost you about Rs.5000 approx. but if you have little bit of common sense you can use your old smartphone as a GPS Tracker without buying any type of fancy device. Just you have to do is take your old smartphone mark a place where you can hide your smartphone and where it is also having charging slot it be charged because we know how these smartphone sucks on charging.

Use it as a Console

Ok I know you can’t play high end games on your old phone or yes but here I am writing for the persons which are unable play high end games on their old smartphone so for them if you can’t able to play high end games on your smartphone then there are lots of retro games and PSP games which can be played through console emulator on your old smartphone flawlessly so game on.

Use your old smartphone for development

I personally use my old smartphones for development like apps, custom rom, kernel etc. there are various ways in which you can use your old smartphone for development and if you don’t want to do developing or you are not familiar with developing then enjoy customization on your old smartphone or I can say do “experiments on your old smartphone” means flash custom rom custom kernel change font change GUI and lots more it is upon you. Do what you want because phone is yours

Last Words from author

And in last if you are unable to apply any of the given idea on your old smartphone then feel free to ask me I am always ready to help you and please share this post so everyone out there can utilize their old smartphone efficiently Thanks for reading hole Post and if you haven’t read then you are doing very big mistake. I am just kidding 
Shubham Rawat

I'm Shubham Rawat a die heart tech lover.He love to do reviews and unboxings of new items check him ou in other social networks.

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