Hey guys now again I am here to introduce an awesome trick by which you can watch ditto tv for free in your pc and laptop and now i am just working to find the ways to hack ditto tv android app.
So as we all know ditto tv is providing various tv channels to stream online so we can watch it online and they only allow us to see for some time on online site and for watching whole episode we have have to pay about Rs.150/ which is not very expensive.But why we give if we can watch it for free :) So as we start we want to clarify that this is only for educational purpose so i am not responsible for what you do after reading this article.
So for starting we require some items which are important for this trick which are:
- VLC Media Player Click Here
- Internet Download Manager Click here
- A web browser (I recommend you Google Chrome)
- And a Working brain with sense (Not Htc Sense)
1.Download All These things from the Given Link
As i have directed you above download and install those softwares on your pc so you can use this hack as if you are unable to open that that link and you are getting error in your browser like "government has blocked this link by court orders " or something like that then you don't need to worry you only have write https://"your link" and then you are on the desired webpage for (help i am putting a image below)
2. Allow IDM Integration in Web Browser
IDM Integration is the most important part in our hack because it allow us to fetch the streaming url from the site.As you can see if we have IDM integration in web browser then we will get download now option in every online videos (mostly.)
- So here you have to go to ditto tv and select live TV Click Here.
- Then click on the desired channel you want to hack.
Now you will get the download now option.You will now able to see download now option and then you can see various video quality option click on the video option which suits you like I am having 750 bsnl broadband pack giving me speed of approx. 250 kbps so I choose 480p option there. It is upon you which quality you choose but i recommend you if you are not having a good internet connection then you should use 144p or 128p .After that click on the desired quality and after that a download dialog box will appear you don't have to click on download you only have to copy the download address (URL) as shown in the picture below
3. Stream With the link in VLC Player
So after completing this thing you have to open VLC Media player so you can watch live channel in your Pc without giving a single rupee to ditto TV.
So in VLC You have to click on
MEDIA -->Open Network Stream-->"Paste Your Link In dialog Box"
Note:- Now after pasting the link you are all ready to watch online tv without any cost. So use this trick anytime and anywhere but remember the link you copy will expire after 1 day means
12:00 AM onward so you need to copy link everyday and i think it is not a very big problem
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